We are a CERTIFIED SLOVAK manufacturer of PREMIUM filtration and extraction systems, local filtration units, welding and grinding tables and exhaust fans intended for industrial facilities.
We are looking for new dealers!
Become a business partner of a strong Slovak company with more than 25 years of exhaust and filtration experience offering high quality products in the PREMIUM segment!


News and events

We exhibited on world-known medical trade fair MEDICA 2019
We would like to inform our customers and other general public that our company in the period from 18th November to 21th November ,...

We launched a new website!The modernization of our products drove the need to create a new and modern presentation of them for our customers. As such, we decided to undergo the process of completely modernizing...

We exhibited in Cuba!
The 35th annual edition of the FIHAV 2017 trade fair was held in Havana, Cuba from October 30 to November 3, 2017. The breadth of the trade fair, covering...

We are looking for new partners!
Do you sell welding, heath care, or laboratory equipment? Are you interested in expanding your line of products to include quality Slovak industrial exhaust or laminar...

ELMAX once again lends a helping hand to health care!
Laminar flow cabinets are an excellent product. In part because they serve and help people and also because they are used to...
Upcoming trade fairs end events

Top of the line production technologies and incorporated materials from renowned global manufacturers guarantee the quality, reliability and long service life of our products. We offer all this at unbeatable prices.

We are a Slovak company with extensive experience with filtration and exhaust equipment. All our products are developed and manufactured in Slovakia.

We are so convinced of the quality of our products that we don’t hesitate to give them a 3-year warranty. Our focus is on providing customers a product that will last as delivered as long as possible.

The unique design and the selected filters ensure our products deliver exceptional filtration efficiency, which guarantees complete protection of the work process, the users of our equipment and the environment.

All our products have undergone comprehensive modernization. These efforts have produced premium and ergonomic products featuring a modern and representative design offering state-of-the-art technologies that are competitive with top-of-the-line products in the industry. All at incomparably lower prices.

Using our products will reduce your electricity usage, thereby reducing your costs and helping to protect the environment.

Our equipment provides a wealth of options, and even standard equipment delivers unrivaled features you have to pay extra for elsewhere.

As the manufacturer, we provide the full range of warranty and post-warranty service. We can also validate your cabinets and equipment.